The Magellan Project

The Magellan Project is a program started in the 2000's at W&J College, to grant funding to students who want to conduct and independent study in a place that is foreign to them, domestic or international. In order to receive funding, Magellan scholars have to brainstorm to come up with an idea to study, then research their topic and construct a proposal that is reviewed and hopefully approved by a group of faculty and staff. This proposal includes:
  • A personal statement
  • An essay about your project, why you chose it, and how you think it will affect you
  • A budget, complete with money needed for fights, transportation, lodging, food, etc.
  • Contacts you plan to meet with during your trip
This process prepares students for future formal proposal processes, as well as allowing us to branch out from our comfort zones, and shows us that travel is within anyone's reach if they plan diligently. This project allows us to be independent, some for the first time, as a majority of Magellan scholars travel alone. 

For more information about the program, you can follow this link to the W&J Magellan page.


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