Saturday and Sunday I spent venturing outside of Central Sydney to Glebe, Mosman, and Olympic Park, which was recognized as a suburb of Sydney after the Games were over in 2000. It was nice to get out of the highly concentrated tourist areas, because you really don't get the chance to speak to many Australians. Glebe, to me, was a typical "hippie-type" town. They had an outdoor market, and they call the main road "eat street" because it is packed with really trendy and cool small bars, cafes and restaurants. It is right in the middle of two universities, meaning the area caters to a much younger crowd. Maybe this is why I saw less smoking, or maybe I just came on a good day, but I am hoping it is because University-aged students are smarter about what they put into their bodies. Sydney Olympic Park, honestly, has nothing to do with my Magellan, but I could not pass up the opportunity to see it. The Sydney 2000 Games, 17 years ago, were called by many people ...